Moved Mountains

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

I've Forgotten My New Years Resolution

Just to prove how committed I am to really implementing positive change in my life, I thought I'd tell you about my New Years resolution. Then I realised, I've forgotten it! This is for real ... I thought up a great, achievable New Years res and before I had time to even consider putting it into play, it left my brain, quite possibly never to return!

So, in memory (or not) of my original New Years resolution I thought I'd start a list of some new New Years resolutions (if I write them here it will be harder for me to permanently forget them later).

So here's the first to start things off -

My 1st new New Years resolution for 2007 is try really hard to not bag out Rick Warren anywhere near as much as I bagged him out in 2006.
What are your New Years resolutions? Let me know and if I find one I like, I'll add it to my list.


Rodney Olsen said...

A guy I know has started the year with the resolution not to start a world war this year.

The Creature said...

I like that - achievable too, at least for those of us who are not George Bush! I think having achievable resolutions is very important. :)

Thanks Rod.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you new year's resolution should be to buy a notebook and use it. The way you right suggests that you think you might never remember it!
Cheers for the very funny post.

The Creature said...

I bought the notebook last year (a nifty little pocket PC actually that I can't live without now), guess I forgot to use it!